Moving forward users will only have to ask a question in a way other people would understand. For example, “how to setup my printer” or “install a printer”, “my screen is too bright”, “get apps for Windows”, “how do I delete an app” — you get the idea. As users type these common tasks, Bing Smart Search will respond accordingly with Device Settings to install a new printer, Change screen brightness options, Windows Store to get more apps, and Uninstall apps to free up disk space to get rid off apps. This is a really exciting improvement to see in Windows and it shows that the company is moving on a direction to better help customers without having to result to tech support, even if users misspell a word. Microsoft is updating Bing Smart Search in the background, meaning that users won’t have to download any new update for Windows 8.1. So the next time you need to change a setting or setup a device, ask Windows first… Source Microsoft All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.