The new changes come after a number people complaint about the feature, as such Microsoft is now modifying how search + Cortana work when the Start menu opens. Using an undisclosed leak version of Windows 10, WinBeta demos the new search experience, you’ll see that doing a search from the Start menu will transition into Cortana with a new animation with the list of results. In addition, Cortana features a menu bar on the left hand side with a hamburger menu button in the top-left corner, which makes search more integrated into the operating system. Users will even be able to change Cortana’s height by adjusting the height of the Start menu.
These are small changes, but they are certainly welcome changes that improve the search experience and make the feature more integrated into Windows 10. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.