This week was a light one on news due to the Thanksgiving weekend, but we heard a reliable rumor suggesting that Microsoft is working on an emulator to bring traditional desktop apps to mobile devices with ARM-based processors running Windows 10. And Microsoft unveiled the free Xbox games subscribers will be getting with the Games with Gold program for December 2016.
Help & How-To
This week you learned a few new tricks to get the best out of Windows 10, including the steps to schedule Wi-Fi to turn back on automatically. We also looked at the new address bar in the Registry to help you jump quickly to a location, and you learned how to use the new virtual touchpad on the Windows 10 Creators Update. If you missed any of the new stories, you can catch up with everything that happened this week and past articles here. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.