The company made the announcement in New York City. I had the chance to attend the event and snag some pictures to give you a closer look inside the Surface Studio and the parts that make up this machine. Alongside the Surface Studio, Microsoft also announced that the next update for Windows 10, which currently we know as “Redstone 2”, will be officially known as the “Creators Update,” and it will bring a lot of new features to make every user a creator. Windows 10 build 14955 rolled out this week to the Fast ring as part of the Creators Update. However, the test version of the operating system doesn’t bring new features, just fixes and improvements. Cumulative update KB3197954 also released to PCs running the Windows 10 Anniversary Update adding a number of fixes for Windows Update, Wi-Fi, USB, Bluetooth, Microsoft Edge, among other improvements. On Xbox One, the company announced four new titles Xbox Live gold members will be getting in the month of November through the Games with Gold program.
Help & How To
This week I added a couple new guides to help you get around the problem when Chrome refuses to load Microsoft websites, and you also learned to add a picture password to use gestures to sign in to Windows 10. If you missed any of the new stories, you can catch up with everything that happened this week and past articles here. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.