Thus far we know that Microsoft will continue pushing Windows RT, as the small version Surface will be powered by an ARM-based Qualcomm processor. And while the majority of PC makers took the Intel’s route using the Atom processor to power Windows tablets, including the 7- to 8-inch versions, Bloomberg is also reporting that Microsoft is planning to reveal additional Surface models during the New York event on May 20th. SEE ALSO: Surface Mini to go on sale in June with click-in cover, stylus, and OneNote deep integration The big news here is that we could be seeing a new Intel-based tablet from the company. However there isn’t clear details if the Surface powered by Intel’s processor will be an updated version of the current Surface Pro 2, or if Microsoft is also planning to add a Surface mini powered by Intel — Perhaps a “Surface Pro mini” using the full version of Windows 8.1. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.