The IE10 team is about three weeks into the project and they are really optimistic on what has been accomplish so far. At the Mix11 conference they also demo the new browsing engine against Google Chrome Web browser using some of the new IE test drives demos while also reveling additional support for CSS3, such us CSS3 Gradients, Grid, Multi-column and Flexible Box Layouts. You can try any of these demos and many more by visiting this page More Internet Explorer 10 previews are coming around every 8 to 12 weeks. Get an sneak pick of the IE10 Platform Preview!
Source IEBlog IE10 continues several patterns from IE9. In addition to the Platform Preview available for developers to download at, we have posted new test drives and over 500 new tests we’ve submitted to the standards bodies. IE’s approach to emerging standards results in less churn and more progress for developers. IE10 builds on full hardware acceleration and continues our focus on site-ready Web-standards. This combination enables developers to deliver the best performance for their customers on Windows while using the same, Web-standard markup across browsers. We look forward to continuing to engage the community and hearing your feedback. —Dean Hachamovitch, Corporate Vice President, Internet Explorer” All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.