The schedule to download the free Xbox One games will be the same as Xbox 360 games, on the 1st and 16th of each month. Kicking the new promotion will start with great Xbox One titles. In July 1st, Xbox Live Gold members will be able to download Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (regular price $29.99) free for the entire month. Also from July 16th and through August 15th, Gold member will get So Many Me on Xbox One (regular price $14.99). Xbox 360 owners will also get some good titles. Starting on July 1st, Gold subscribers will be able to download free Plants vs. Zombies (regular price $14.99). Finally, from July 16th and until the end of the month Xbox Live Gold members will get Gears of War 3 (regular price $19.99) for free. In addition to the expansion of the Games with Gold program, Microsoft recently made available a new Xbox One console featuring 1TB hard drive to let gamers fit even more games in to their libraries, and the new Xbox One Wireless controller with a standard headphone jack for $399.99. Also, the company announced that Xbox One backwards compatibility with Xbox 360 games is coming later this fall, which is just another reason to get an Xbox One, while Preview members can already test this feature. Source Microsoft All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.