We already talked in part 1, about how to get ready our WordPress environment installing and configuring XAMPP; now in part 2, we are going to install and configure WordPress itself. To get a copy of the latest WordPress installation, go to http://wordpress.org/download and download the zip file to your desktop. See image 1.
Image 1. Unzip WordPress’ folder and copy it to {xampp installation folder}/htdocs; here you can also rename the WordPress folder to anything you want to keep things clean and organized. See image2.
Image 2. Next, launch your favorite web browser and, in the address bar, type: http://localhost/”name-of-wordpress-folder” Click “Create a Configuration File” (see image 3), next collect the database information required and Click “Let’s go!” Do not worry about item 1 & 5 at this time. See image 4.
Image 3.
Image 4. Go to the next page and complete the database connection details (see image 5): Database Name: “Think a Name” User Name: root Password: “Your root Password” Database Host: localhost Table Prefix: wp_
Image 5. Before Clicking “Submit”, we need to create a database for the new WordPress installation; to do this open the “XAMPP Control Panel Application” and Click MySQL “Admin” button. See image 6.
Image 6. Next in phpMyAdmin web page under “Create new database” (see image 7), type the name of the database that you typed before in the WordPress database connection details, Click “Create” and go back to the WordPress setup page and now Click “Submit” and “Run the install”. See image 8.
Image 7.
Image 8. In the WordPress welcome page type the information needed (See image 9). Remember that we are setting up a test or practice WordPress installation here, so you can uncheck the “Allow my site to appear in search engines like Google or Technorati” option and finish by Clicking “Install WordPress”. If you followed all the steps correctly you will see a “Success!” page, now Click “log in” to log in to your new installation of WordPress. See image 10.
Image 9.
Image 10. Now you can play around before getting serious about blogging. Pureinfotech Video Tutorials
Conclusion Today we learned how to install and configure WordPress locally in your computer or server; this way you can learn and play without screwing things up or wasting any money. Once you are construable using WordPress you can go ahead and get a domain name and hosting service. WordPress is a powerful, free and easy to use blog software, that it is well known by millions. The software is capable of running the most demining blog sites. There are thousands of plugins and themes that you can use to transform your web site into a great piece of art. If you missed Part 1 here is the link How to install WordPress in your computer or server (Part 1)
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