Although there’s no clean method to hide the clock and dates from the Taskbar, it’s still possible to trick the system into not showing this information in the system tray. For example, you can change the clock settings to hide the time and show only part of the day’s information. Or you can use a third-party tool to hide all the elements of the system tray to remove the time and date information. This guide will teach you the steps to hide and date from the Taskbar on Windows 11.
Hide clock and date on Windows 11 Hide clock and date with Win11ClockToggler
Hide clock and date on Windows 11
To hide the clock and date from the Taskbar on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the clock and date will no longer be available in the Windows 11 system tray.
If you change your mind, you can always restore the original settings using the same instructions, but on step No. 8, click the Reset button.
Hide clock and date with Win11ClockToggler
Alternatively, you can use the third-party tool known as “Win11ClockToggler,” which allows you to hide the system tray completely, thus hiding the clock and date from the screen. To hide the clock from Taskbar with the Win11ClockToggler tool, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the tool will hide all the elements from the system tray, including the clock and date. The only caveat about the tool is that the setting won’t be preserved after restarting the computer, which means that you will have to run the tool on every reboot.
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