One person at Microsoft’s community forums explains that using the Windows key + Shift + S keyboard shortcut does not open the experience to take screenshots. Also, it’s possible to launch the app, but creating a new capture will result in the error mentioned above, and repairing or resetting the Snipping Tools through the Settings does not fix the issue. At first, it was the issue was unclear, but Microsoft quickly updated the Windows 11 health dashboard website explaining that the problem is due to an issue with a Microsoft digital certificate, which expired October 31, 2021. This issue is not only affecting the Snipping Tool app but also other elements, including Touch Keyboard, Voice Typing, and Emoji Panel, Input Method Editor user interface (IME UI), and Get started and Tips apps. According to the company, the problem has been already fixed with the update KB5008295. It was originally only available in the Beta and Release Preview Channels, but the company has quickly tested it, and it’s now available on any device running Windows 11. In this guide, you will learn the steps to mitigate the “this app can’t open” error message for Snipping Tool on Windows 11.
Microsoft official fix for Snipping Tool not working
To fix the Snipping Tool and other elements not working on Windows 11, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the problem with the digital certificate will be resolved, fixing the Snipping Tool, and the other apps and features.
You can also download it manually from the Microsoft Update Catalog website. Once you have the package, double-click it to begin the installation. Update November 3, 2021: Added Microsoft details about the problem and official steps to fix the problem. Update November 4, 2021: Add the mitigation workaround suggested by Microsoft at the end of the guide. Update (2) November 4, 2021: Microsoft moves quickly to fix the Snipping Tool and other apps not working correctly due to the expired digital certificate by releasing update KB5008295. Update November 5, 2021: Updated original workaround with the permanent fix and Microsoft details about update KB5008295 now being available for all devices. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.