Now the real question is how Windows Phone users outside of the U.S. can get Cortana with 8.1? Well, there is a really easy workaround to solve this present issue and it involves having to change the region and language settings in your device. Follow the steps below to enable Cortana on your Windows Phone.
1 Go to the new notification center and tap ALL SETTINGS. 2 Tap language and change your default language to English (United States). 3 Go back to Settings, tap region, and make sure the “Country/Region” is set to United States, and Regional format is set to match phone language.
Voila! Cortana now should be listed as an app on the app list. If you don’t see it, reboot your phone. Be warned that you will lose some local functionality if change the region and language settings on your phone. If ever want to go back to your old settings, you can, but Cortana will be disabled. At this time Microsoft has only enabled Cortana for the developer preview of Windows Phone 8.1 in the United State; UK and China are the next countries to get the new digital assistant before the end of the year. The software maker will eventually bring Cortana to more regions, but not before 2015. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.