The only problem going through the upgrade path is that many times you may come across errors and other issues, as a result of compatibility issues with software and hardware, configuration problems, or a bug with the OS.
Start fresh with Windows 10
However, if you do a clean installation of Windows 10 with the Fall Creators Update, you can avoid many of the problems using the in-place upgrade process, because a clean installation wipes out the drive deleting everything, and you then start again with a fresh copy of Windows 10. Also, if you’ve been using the same installation for a long time, doing a clean installation of Windows 10 with the Fall Creators Update will help to improve performance, and memory usage, and it might fix existing problems. The process to start fresh with a new copy of Windows 10 hasn’t changed much in a lot of years, but recently Microsoft has updated the finishing process adding Cortana assistance to the mix and new privacy settings to help anyone, no matter their technical level, to complete the setup. This hands-on video will walk you through the steps to successfully do a clean installation of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. If you prefer the written instructions, you can use this guide that outlines every step to start fresh with a copy of Windows 10. In the case you want to speed up the installation process, you can also do an in-place upgrade using these instructions. You can also use the following resources to learn more about the Fall Creators Update:
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update: Everything you need to know Windows 10 version release history tracker
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