The feature is on the right side, and it can show notable moments, including holidays, anniversaries, and other educational moments locally and worldwide. In addition, you will find today’s moment and daily content like word of the day, Microsoft Rewards, trending Searches, and more. On the left side of the Search interface, the experience will list recent apps, files, settings, and websites that allow you to pick tasks quickly where you left off. You can also use Microsoft Search in the organization if you use a work or school account. If the Search highlights feature isn’t for you, Windows 11 includes an option to disable the feature for a more traditional experience. Once disabled, the space will include a section showing Search suggestions and your top apps. This guide will teach you the steps to manage the Search highlights feature for Search on Windows 11.
Disable Search highlights on Windows 11 Enable Search highlights on Windows 11
Disable Search highlights on Windows 11
To disable Search highlights on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the Search box will no longer show highlights or recent files in the left pane.
Enable Search highlights on Windows 11
To enable Search highlights, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the Search box will show periodic updates with content, including fun illustrations, that help you discover more, be connected, and stay productive.
At the time of this writing, Microsoft is still rolling out this feature, meaning it might take a while to be available on your device. Update November 9, 2022: This guide was posted on April 2022 and has been revised to ensure that the steps are still accurate. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.