However, the transition from your phone to a PC hasn’t been easy, but starting with the Fall Creators Update, Windows 10 is introducing a new option within the Settings app to link your phone to your PC. Once your phone is connected, you’ll be able to start browsing the web, write emails, and using apps on your phone, and then magically continue on your PC. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to connect your phone to Windows 10.
How to link your phone to your PC
In these instructions we’ll be focusing the steps using an Android phone, but the same concept applies if you’re using an iPhone. You’re not just limited to send links using Microsoft Edge, after installing the browser, on any app, including Chrome, you can tap the Share button and use the Continue to PC option to send anything to your PC. Phone settings on Windows 10 Link your phone and PC Edge (mobile) continue on PC At any time, you can unlink your device on Settings > Phone, and clicking the Unlink this PC link. If you’re connecting more than one computer, they will appear on the list as well, but if you’re using the default device naming scheme assigned by Windows 10, it’ll be hard to identify the PC you want to pick. If this is your case, it’s a good idea to change the name of your devices running Windows 10 with more descriptive names. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.