If you want to check the version installed on your computer, Windows 11 provides different options, including using the Settings app, About Windows (winver), Command Prompt, and PowerShell. In this guide, you will learn the steps to determine the version of Windows 11 installed on the computer.
Check the version of Windows 11 using Settings Check the version of Windows 11 using winver Check the version of Windows 11 using Command Prompt Check the version of Windows 11 using PowerShell
Check the version of Windows 11 using Settings
To check the version of Windows 11 installed on the computer with the Settings app, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you will know the version of Windows 11 running on your computer. It’s worth noting that the number after the period in the build information specifies the cumulative update release number. Initially, the number was “22000.194,” this number increments with every monthly update. For instance, at the time of this writing, the build number is “22000.469.”
Check the version of Windows 11 using winver
To check the version of Windows 11 with the “winver” command, use these steps: If you are reading this before October 2022, the latest version number should be version 21H2 and the build number should be “22000.194” or higher.
Check the version of Windows 11 using Command Prompt
To determine the Windows 11 version with Command Prompt, use these steps: After you complete the steps, you need to use the build number to determine the actual version, which in this case is “22000,” indicating that this installation is Windows 11 version 21H2.
Check the version of Windows 11 using PowerShell
To determine the version of Windows 11 with PowerShell, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you can determine the version and edition of Windows 11, which is in this case, Windows 11 Pro version 21H2.
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