If you have to change the user profile folder name for some reason, Windows 11 includes at least two ways to complete the task. You can create a new local account using the name you want for the folder and transfer your data to the new profile. Or you can use the Registry to modify the settings and change the profile folder name (not recommended). This guide will teach you the steps to change the user profile folder name on Windows 11.
Change folder profile name on Windows 11 Change folder profile name with Registry on Windows 11
Change folder profile name on Windows 11
To rename the user profile folder on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you will have an account with a new folder name.
The last thing to do is transfer your files to the new account. You can do this from “Users” using File Explorer. You may also need to reconfigure some of your settings in the new account (as needed). After transferring your files, you want to delete the old account and link your Microsoft account to the new account.
Delete old account
To delete an account on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the old account will be deleted, and you can use the same Microsoft account to link it to the new account.
Link your Microsoft account
To convert the local account to a Microsoft account on Windows 11, use these steps: After you complete the steps, you can start using your account with the proper folder name.
Change profile name with Registry on Windows 11
If you want to avoid going through the trouble of creating a new account, transferring your files, and making other configurations, you may also be able to use the Registry to change the profile folder name. However, this is not recommended since you may experience unwanted behaviors. To change the user profile folder name from Registry on Windows 11, use these steps: After completing the steps, the account will reflect the new folder name. If you have applications pointing to the profile folder, you might need to update their settings with the new path.
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