If you’re recovering the data from the original device, it’s not necessary to use a passphrase, but it’s a requirement to restore the data when using a different computer or server. Although Microsoft doesn’t store your passphrase for security and privacy reasons, if you lost this information, it’s still possible to ensure that you can recover your data by changing the existing configuration. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to change the passphrase that Microsoft Azure uses to encrypt and decrypt your data stored in the cloud.
How to change encryption passphrase for Azure backup
To change the current passphrase to encrypt and decrypt your Azure backup in the cloud, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the Azure backup console will update the settings on your device and cloud. Just remember that Microsoft doesn’t store your encryption passphrase. If you lose it, you may not be able to recover your data, as such make sure to save the file with the new information in a save place. Microsoft Azure backup console, Action menu Change Azure backup encryption key Azure portal service search Azure backup generate security PIN Azure backup console security PIN While this guide focuses on Windows 10, you can also use these instructions on Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, 2012, and even 2008. To use Microsoft Azure services, you’ll need a subscription, but if you don’t want to commit, there’s a pay-as-go option and you only get charged for the resources you use with no termination fees or up-front cost. Also, if you’re a Microsoft MVP, remember that you get free credits to use Azure services, including for backup and restore devices and data. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.