Although it may be possible to remove apps with other third-party tools or even create a PowerShell script, the winget command makes the entire process easy no matter the installation source (Microsoft Store, Windows Package Manager, Win32 apps you may have installed with .msi or .exe, etc.), saving you time and the hassle that involves using third-party solutions. This guide will teach you the steps to debloat Windows 11 by uninstalling multiple apps with the winget command.
Bulk uninstall apps with winget command on Windows 11
To uninstall apps in bulk with the winget command, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the apps you specified in the command will uninstall from the Windows 11 installation.
In the command, change the APP-ID for the ID of the app you want to remove (see step 3). If you want to add more apps to remove, you need to separate each command with “&&.” This example uninstalls three apps: winget uninstall –id=Mozilla.Firefox && winget install –id=WinDirStat.WinDirStat && winget install –id=VideoLAN.VLC
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