Although the app is convenient and easy to use, if you’re a network administrator who connects to a lot of devices in the regular basis, it can be a chore having to manually sync connections and settings between your devices, or rebuild the list of connections after reinstalling the app or Windows 10 on your main system. Luckily, the Remote Desktop (preview) app includes a backup feature that makes it easy to export and import all your connections and settings. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to backup and restore your connections and settings using the Remote Desktop app for Windows 10.
How to backup Remote Desktop app settings How to restore Remote Desktop app settings
How to backup Remote Desktop app settings
Use these steps to backup Remote Desktop app connections and settings: Once you complete the steps, you can keep the file in a save place until you need to restore the settings on the same computer or to copy the settings to another device. Remote Desktop app, Backup option Export connections and settings option RemoteDesktopWorkspace.rdb file
How to restore Remote Desktop app settings
Use the steps to restore connections and settings using the Remote Desktop app on Windows 10: After you complete the steps, the remote connections to other devices and servers will be restored in the app, but you may still need to re-enter the password to establish a connection. Remote Desktop app, Restore option Import connections and settings option Restore RemoteDesktopWorkspace.rdb file We’re focusing this guide in the preview version of Remote Desktop, but this feature will eventually be available in the stable version of the app. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.