Google emphasizes that the new product is a “private place to keep a lifetime of memories”. Google Photos has a number of good features, for starters, the service gives users unlimited storage to save photos and videos in high-quality, for free. Google will keep the original photo as long the resolution doesn’t pass the 16MP size, and 1080p high-definition for videos, and the service also store compressed versions of the photo and videos. With the new service, Google is making effortless to organize photos and videos by people, places, and things that matter. In Google Photos, you don’t have to tag or label anything, or even create albums, everything happens automatically. If you need a particular photo, just do a simple search to find any photo or video. If the photo isn’t a good shot, Google Photos also offers quick enhancements, with one tap you can tune color and lighting and more. You can also press the “+” button to create your own collages, animations, and movies with soundtracks. There is also an Assistant view when you swipe from the left, where you’ll be suggested things you can do with photos and videos.
Similar to OneDrive, Google Photos allows you to share photos and videos across devices and you can even select all the photos you want to share and create a link. Then when sending the link, the recipient can view all those photos and videos without even having to install an app. However, if the recipient happen to have the app, then images will immediately be saved to their own library.
Google Photos is available now on Android, iOS and on the Web. Like usual, there is not a version for Windows Phone or an app for Windows. Source Google All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.