If you were expecting an overhaul on the user interface you may get a little disappointed, because Firefox 10 beta looks almost identical to Firefox 9. One thing that you’ll notice is that the forward button will not be displayed every time, it will only appear after you navigate back. On the other hand you’ll see many changes, but not major ones; under the hood, some of them include:
Resolved an issue where some users may experience a crash when moving bookmarks Full Screen APIs allow you to build a Web application that runs full screen Anti-Aliasing for WebGL is now implemented New element for bi-directional text isolation, along with supporting CSS properties CSS3 3D-Transforms are now supported Mozilla added IndexedDB APIs to more closely match the specification Inspect tool with content highlighting, includes new CSS Style Inspector
But this still not a finished product, Mozilla has yet to deal with some bugs like incompatibility with Mac – Power PC CPUs, vertical scrolling with some synaptic touchpads, jerky scrolling and text input under “certain conditions”.
Download link
Download the beta Firefox release
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