This is another beta program for the company and it will be limited until the technology evolves and tackles the shortcomings. With Project Fi, Google hopes to connect people with a new ideas of connectivity that improves quickly and it’s fast everywhere, it’s easy to use, and accessible to everyone. Google’s Project Fi will compete directly with other wireless carriers, even with the carriers it’s partnering (Sprint and T-Mobile), but these company are far from feeling threatened by Google, as Project Fi is an invite-only program, which you can sign-up for it here. In addition, the new low-cost cell phone service only works with one phone – Googles Nexus 6, which the company says it’s the first handset to support the hardware and software that supports the new service. What Project Fi tries to accomplish is to solve the issue of connectivity. The service is designed to have the ability to seamlessly jump from network to network, even from different carriers and Wi-Fi, without dropping the phone call or interrupting on any way. Fi will ensure people are always with the reliable network, and it works with over one million free, open and fast Wi-Fi hotspots around United States.
Google’s Fi also removes your phone number from the phone and stores it in the cloud, which enables people to place calls using your real number on any phone, tablet or laptop that supports Google Hangouts. The pricing for Fi is very affordable, Google is planning to charge $20 per month for a package that includes phone calls, text, Wi-Fi tethering, and international calls in over 120 countries, and $10 per GB of data use. Customers will also get credit for unused data each month. Source Google All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.