As I mentioned in a previous article (how to export/import favorites in IE) bookmarks and favorites are the same thing, and they are a convenient way to organize the web links that we spend so much time collecting. Google Chrome provides an easy and fast way to import bookmarks into the web browser, but for some reason you need to do some digging to export all of those links you collected over the time. Alright, follow these steps to export/backup your Google Chrome Bookmarks:
While in Google Chrome, click the wrench , navigate through Bookmarks and go to Bookmarks manager.
Next, in the top-left corner of the window, click Organize and select Export bookmarks to HTML file.
Choose the location where to save the file, rename the file to something you will remember and it is easy to identify, and click Save. That’s it! To import them back you can follow the same steps, but in step 2 choose the option Import bookmarks from HTML file., or you can check the article Beginners: How to import bookmarks into Google Chrome from other web browsers. Why would you want to export/import bookmarks/favorites: to move them between computers, to backup them up in case of a computer failure, etc. If you don’t mind Google storing your bookmarks, you can additionally use the Sync service from Google that you can easily set up by typing in the address bar chrome://settings/personal. Under personal Stuff you will find the Sync section, click Set up sync. Enter your Google account log in, change the settings if you wish and click OK to sync everything. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.